As an alternative to using the online booking system on this website, you can book and reserve a place by filling in the MBSR manual application form and returning it to me as an email attachment to Or print and post the completed form to Seamus McMahon, 10 Woodford, St. Philomena’s Road, Crosshaven, Co. Cork, P43 KP58.

Payments for this course can be made by Electronic Bank Transfer to:

IBAN number: IE71 AIBK 9343 1319 4580 68


Account name: Cork Mindfulness/Seamus McMahon

Bank branch: AIB Carrigaline

or by cheque or postal order to Seamus McMahon,10 Woodford, St. Philomena’s Road, Crosshaven, Co. Cork, P43 KP58

Tel: 0851636300